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Feijoa Apollo

Vigorous upright growth habit. Rough skinned fruit which are large aromatic and very sweet.

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Fleurs éclatantes de juin à juillet.

Feijoa apollo. FEIJOA SELLOWIANA - APOLLO-. How to grow Feijoa Apollo Apollo is a variety of Feijoa that produces tasty medium sized fruit in late autumn. Vigorous growing variety which ripens in autumn around April-May.

A relatively upright tree with strong shoot growth. 1Apollo Apollo is my favorite by far. Parzialmente autofertile se abbinata ad altra varietà i suoi frutti aumenteranno sia di dimensione che di numero.

If I could only have one feijoa variety it would be Apollo. Ripens mid to late-season. Cette variété est lun des seuls Goyavier à être autofertile.

Known to be partially self fertile but will crop better with a pollinator such as Unique Gemini or Kakapo. Shipping calculated at checkout. Apollo is self-fertile but does better if other varieties are planted nearby.

Feijoa Apollo is a grafted plant producing large fruit in Autumn. The tree is upright spreading tall vigorous and productive. Le Feijoa Apollo Feijoa sellowiana Apollo est un fruitier vigoureux très productif à la floraison très décorative mellifère et odorante.

Sometimes has hollow locules segments inside. Très bonne qualité gustative en consommation directe ou marmelade confiture. Maturazione da metà a fine stagione.

Frutto di forma ovoidale di elevata pezzatura con buccia sottile e ruvida. 15Apollo fruit are medium to large size with excellent flavour Early season. It is partially self fertile producing some fruit if planted alone but it will produce larger crops of bigger fruit if.

Needs another variety as a. Has large fruit of exceptional size and excellent flavour however is delicate and bruises easily. Feijoa Pineapple Guava Guavasteen.

Default Title - 2495 NZD. I find this variety to be prolific with good size fruit. FEIJOA ou GOYAVIER DU BRESIL APOLLO est un ARBRE FRUITIER PERSISTANT cette avriété AUTOFERTILE produira des fruits délicieux en automne à la peau verte clair et à la chair jaune avec très peu de graines.

Fruitier vigoureux très productif à la floraison très décorative mellifère et odorante. The tree is upright spreading tall vigorous and productive. The bright red flowers appear around Christmas time followed by early season sweet tasting fruit.

Partially self-fertile will have heavier crops if cross-pollinated. Variété de Feijoa de pousse vigoureuse à maturité demi précoce entre Gemini plus précoce et mammouth plus tardif Très gros fruits verts francs à vert clairs à peaux rugueuses supérieur à 200 grammes chaires blanches pures visuellement attrayantes. A vigorous upright and partially self-fertile feijoa tree.

Buissonnant il atteint 3 de haut pour 2 m de large. This evergreen shrub typically grows to 3. Large mild flavoured fruit.

La Feijoa Apollo è una varietà autofertile per fruttificare non necessita di impollinatori tuttavia per aumentarne la produttività si consiglia di mettere a dimora almeno due piante anche di varietà diverse. Quantité de FEIJOA APOLLO. Avvisami quando questo prodotto torna disponibile.

Feijoa Apollo is an attractive evergreen tree that is useful for hedging. Flavour very pleasant quality excellent. Feijoa is also referred to as pineapple guava which are very ornamental with attractive red edible flowers in spring.

Partially self-fertile but cross pollination is essential for large fruit so plant with a companion for best results. Forms a well branched frame work that does not bend. Fruit ovale à peau ferme tardif novembre-décembre.

Feijoa variety with smooth aromatic flesh that is very sweet. Long torpedo-shaped fruit ripens early-mid autumn. Partially self fertile so will produce some fruit if planted alone but will produce larger crops of bigger fruit if planted with another variety nearby.

The tasty fruit result from small bright red flowers in summer which produced amidst the lush dark green leaves. Varietà vigorosa e produttiva i frutti sono di dimensioni medio-grandi con un sapore eccellente. Large long sweet fruit with excellent eating qualities.

ARBUSTE Arbuste fruitier Haie. La pulpe blanc crème est de saveur forte intermédiaire entre la fraise et lananas. Fruits assez gros 4 à 8 cm très appréciés pour leur goût.

Add to wishlist Find my local retailer. Full sun well-drained fertile soil. Its a mid-to-late season fruiter.

Ripens mid to late-season. Feijoa is also referred to as pineapple guava which are very ornamental with attractive red edible flowers in spring. Gros fruit allongé doux et juteux la peau est un peu granuleuse.

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